Carousel ride, or merry go round is a classic amusement ride, also known as merry go round or roundabout. Vintage carousel is not referred to old or used carousel, here we talked is about luxury decoration antique carousel. General vintage carousel ride is suit for all generation to play in amusement park, playground, shopping center and family entertainment centers. Movement of going up and down with festive music bring players a lot excitement. Carousel ride is usually equipped 3/6/12/16/24 seats.
A Carousel ride is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with horse-shaped seats for riders. The horses connected with the turntable will go up and down along with its rotates gradually with wonderful music. It is widely used in playground, square, park, kindergarten, building area etc.
In Our factory, there are various types of decoration for you to choose,also we provide customized service,decorate the carousel as your requirement.